Hi all,
I found this valuable info from some Webmasters forum and thought i'd share with you all. For those who didn't know about DoFollow blog, Its another attempt to create more backlink, Now what does this backlink means? Its to increase Pagerank. So here it goes
1. http://abstract2collective.blogspot.com/ - Food Related - PR4
2. http://christyscoffeebreak.blogspot.com/ - Personal Blog - PR3
3. http://www.tutorialsportal.com/ - Webmaster Blog - PR4
4. http://anunschoolinglife.blogspot.com - Personal Blog - PR4
5. http://flapsblog.com - Dental Blog - PR5
6. http://veganmomma.com/blog/ - General Blog - PR3
7. http://paulamooney.blogspot.com/ - Money Making Blog - PR3
8. http://www.affordable-internet-marketing.com/ - Internet Marketing - PR4
9. http://www.articlesnatch.com/blog/ - SEO - PR3
10. http://menstrualpoetry.com/ - Woman Blog - PR3
11. http://fatladysingz.com/ - Health Blog - PR3
12. http://pixelheadonline.com/blog/ - General Blog - PR4
13. http://www.memwg.com/ - Adsense - PR5
14. http://www.expertcruiser.com/ - Cruise, Vacation - PR5
15. http://www.shandyking.com/ - Webmaster, General - PR5
16. http://www.logon.ie/internet-marketing-blog/ - SEO - PR3
17. http://laughoutlouddogs.com/ - Animals - PR3
18. http://websuccessdiva.com - Internet Marketing - PR4
19. http://www.blogpi.net/ - Politics - PR6
20. http://www.neilshearing.com/ - SEO and Webmaster - PR4
21. http://www.tellinitlikeitis.net/ - General - PR4
22. http://www.elsewhere.org/journal/ - Bikes - PR5
23.http://aroengbinang.blogspot.com/ - Personal - PR3
24.http://fucc.blogspot.com/ - Reviews General - PR3
25. http://www.scribblesnscraps.com/blog/ - Woman - PR3
26. http://mtdewvirus.com/ - Personal Blog - PR5
27. http://jakeldaily.com - Personal, SEO - PR3
28. http://tallfreak.com/ - Personal - PR3
29. http://weblogtoolscollection.com/ - Webmaster - PR4
30. http://www.itswritenow.com/ - Webmaster - PR3
31. http://www.lifeintherough.com - Golf, Sports - PR4
32. http://venturebeat.com/ - General - PR7
33. http://www.lifewithheathens.blogspot.com/ - Personal - PR3
34. http://secretofunlimitedprosperity.com/ - General - PR3
35. http://lifecruiser.com/ - Travel - PR3
36. http://www.twas-brillig.com/ - General - PR4
37. http://www.suzannesaysblog.com/ - Personal - PR4
38. http://www.tobsy.de/ - Personal - PR3
39. http://skeetsstuff.skeeterbess.com/ - Personal - PR3
40. http://www.offroadreport.com/blog/ - Cars - PR3
41. http://spanring.eu/ - Personal, Political - PR4
42. http://www.drivingtheflies.com/ - Personal - PR3
43. http://engineering.curiouscatblog.net/ - Science and Engineering - PR5
44. http://andybeard.eu/ - Internet Marketing - PR5
45. http://www.lifeinthefastlane.ca/ - Personal - PR3
46. http://www.stevenaitchison.co.uk/blog/ - Personal - PR5
47. http://lifelearningtoday.com/ - Personal - PR3
48. http://www.howtowakeupearly.com/ - Personal - PR4 - Great Tips
49. http://www.layercake.net/ - General - PR4
50. http://www.roadlesstravelled.com.au/ - Travel - PR4
51. http://justagirlintheworld.com/ - Personal, Webmaster - PR6
52. http://ajaydsouza.com/ - Personal - PR4
53. http://www.stephanmiller.com/ - Webmaster - PR3
54. http://www.dish-television.com/ - Electronics - PR3
55. http://www.jpsimbulan.com/ - Personal - PR3
56. http://table4five.net/ - Personal -PR3
57. http://blog.techiezone.in/ - IT - PR4
58. http://www.ijohnw.com/ - Personal - PR3
59. http://www.yackyack.co.uk/ - SEO - PR4
60. http://www.fitnessdestinations.com/ - Health - PR3
61. http://joseph.randomnetworks.com/ - Webmaster - PR4
62. http://blogosquare.com/ - Webmaster - PR3
63. http://www.onemanblogs.co.uk/ - Personal - PR5
64. http://www.chromaticsites.com/web-design-blog/ - Webmaster - PR4
65. http://www.simplekindoflife.com/ - Personal - PR3
66. http://www.johnraul.com/ - Webmaster - PR4
67. http://www.mathewingram.com/work/ - Business, Tech - PR4
68. http://www.m4tt.net/ - Personal - PR4
69. http://www.crydust.be/blog/ - Webmaster - PR5
70. http://mohitaneja.com/ - Webmaster - PR3
71. http://www.merchantaccountblog.com/ - Webmaster - PR4
72. http://www.jonespc.com/ - Webmaster - PR3
73. http://thesmocklady.com/blog/ - Personal - PR4
74. http://intricateart.com/blog/ - Personal - PR3
75. http://www.academicproductivity.com/ - General - PR4
76. http://www.playingwithwire.com/ - General - PR3
77. http://www.growthink.com/blog - Business - PR5
78. http://www.businessblogger.net/ - Business - PR3
79. http://www.home-ec101.com/ - Woman Blog - PR5
80. http://middlezonemusings.com/ - Personal - PR5
81. http://blog.greens.org.nz/ - General - PR5
82. http://www.invesp.com/blog/ - Webmaster - PR4
83. http://www.gospelrhys.co.uk/ - General - PR3
84. http://www.modernstreet.com/ - IT - PR4
85. http://www.pagespank.com/ - Webmaster - PR3
86. http://www.tomrafteryit.net/ - Personal - General - PR6
87. http://selberg.org/ - IT - Webmaster - PR5
88. http://www.divitodesign.com/ - Webmaster - PR4
89. http://wordpressmodder.org/ - Webmaster - PR4
90. http://blog.achille.name/ - Webmaster - PR5
91. http://wpmututorials.com/ - General - PR5
92. http://blog.epicedits.com/ - Photographer - PR5
93. http://www.giftideasblog.net/ - Gifts - PR3
94. http://blog.cre8asite.net/bwelford/ - Marketing, SEO - PR5
95. http://www.cvillepodcast.com/ - General - PR5
96. http://www.bokashiman.com/ - Personal - PR4
97. http://www.website.net.nz/ - Webmaster - PR5
98. http://www.billyspinner.com/ - General - PR3
99. http://zak.greant.com/ - Webmaster - PR7
100. http://blog.bull3t.me.uk/ - Webmaster - PR4
101. http://www.firstclassfashionista.com/ - Fashion PR3
Happy Blogging!!!
Blog ku juga do follow, PRnya 3
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