Here Comes New PTC site with low and instant payout!!
About OccupEx :
OccupEx is website, where You can earn money easily by browsing our sponsors ads. Currently You can earn up to $0.0125 for every click You make, You can also earn up to $0.01 for every referral click. Why would You surf the net and watch annoying banners, pop-up windows and click links for free, when You can get paid for clicking some links right here? We are currently accepting payments and paying with AlertPay, but our PayPal verification is pending, and PayPal will be added to the site soon!
If You are a premium member, and click 10 ads a day ($0.0125 / click * 10 ads = $0.125 earnings), You refer 100 members who click 10 ads a day ($0.01 / click * 10 ads * 100 referrals = $10 earnings), You earn $10.125 a day. That comes to $303.75 a month, $3645 a year. There is no limit in the amount of websites You visit or in the referrals that You obtain. With more referrals or ads the earning potential is endless. Imagine how much could You earn if You had 1000-5000 or even 10000 referrals!
Standard Member : Payment Time: 10 days.
Premium Member : Payment Time: 2 days.
About the PreLaunch
What discounts will Members who signed up during the PreLaunch get?
During the PreLaunch currently we are offering lifetime Premium Membership for only $35, and we are selling the referral packages 5% lower than we will sell it for after the PreLaunch. If we make any additional discounts we will let You know in e-mail.
How long will the PreLaunch last?
We are busy implementing everyting into the site, the forums, a better design for the Members area. We are also listening to every support ticket created for suggestions, problems.
If everything goes okay, PreLaunch phase will last until October 31 23:59 (Nov.1.0:00). If we will need additional time, we will announce it. a week before the PreLaunch phase end.
Will I lose my referrals after the PreLaunch phase?
Of course NO.
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